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VOSS Water


Client :
Liquid Themes


VOSS Artisan Water is a well-recognised and international brand from Norway (with it’s origins hailing from the village of Vatnestr√∏m) in the Iveland. Despite limited edition releases, VOSS prides itself on it‚Äôs still and sparkling variations packaged in their ground breaking cylindrical glass bottle (designed by Neil Kraf).

From its inception, the design and manufacturing process is aimed at retaining purity by the level of minerals, or the “Total Dissolved Solids”, found in the water. Factors such as these have secured its foothold as one of the coolest and most iconic premium H2O brands on the market.



The international branding team have developed VOSS to be a highly stylised and must have accessory. Not only is it a well-refined hydration option, but it can be seen at New York Fashion Week and in the hands of social media influencers.

Until VOSS arrived, there wasn’t a brand within its class able to achieve the same quintessential exclusivity. On its arrival to the UK, VOSS wanted to maintain the appeal and ensure it was seen in the hands of the cool, well to do and famous.

Impulse and desire is the marketing cornerstone of any successful brand and we worked with our exclusive network to ensure continuity.


The initiative we adopted was to synchronise the VOSS brand across the most noted calendar events of the year.

Starting with the NTA’s, continuing with numerous industry and Influencer driven events and we topped the campaign with MTV‚Äôs EMA’s. Placing the iconic glass bottle in as many hands as possible, it often sparked conversations, as people mistook it for an uber-cool Vodka; of which they could be forgiven‚Ķ it is very fancy. Combined with the multiple paparazzi angles, subsequent column inches captured as celebrities‚Äô vacated the venue; we felt we very much had a hand in VOSS‚Äôs extended and exclusive reputation in London.