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Branding + Visual + Experience


In a climate overrun and obsessed with fast-fashion and appearance; Misitchu’s take on the couture-culture obsessed, is to introduce their brand of cool luxe travel accessories for the contemporary trendsetting jet-setter. Starting a season on Men and Womens leather-backpacks equipped with stunning interiors, gold and platinum zips and custom pocket spaces for your Smartphone, iPad chargers, makeup and compact. Complete with with proprietary patterns and scheduled for release later this year‚Ķ you’ll know a custom Misitchu accessory when you see one.


The in-house team understand the complexities associated with brand penetration. As such, understanding it as a premium product that remains pretty accessible to fashionistas and consumers who understand and respect quality was essential. This is where we thrive, give us a modest budget, a brief and you can leave the rest to us. As an accessory available for men and women, it was important that visuals accenuate the subtle nuances. As a product personality, it has to transcend cultural classes whilst maintaining a very cool street aesthetic.


The basic plan of action was to demonstrate a digital mood board to show the product in action. Who is the client, where would they be seen sporting these accessories and the type of social circle they would be likely to frequent. For any brand that would regard themselves as relevant and “Woke”, it is important to reflect the multicultural dynamic we currently exist within. To ignore it, is to become quickly antiquated and like many examples on the high street, it doesn’t take a genius to acknowledge we are living in new and culturally diverse times.